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July 27, 2002
Notice anything? Yeah, I redesigned

Notice anything?

Yeah, I redesigned the old coredump. Pretty snazzy, huh? I'm not sure entirely that I like it, the old design had a nice simplicity to it, but I figured for the one year anniversary, a bit of effort was in order. This design is probably the most "professional" I've ever done, I think I paid pretty close attention to detail and it looks pretty slick. I used some techniques I've never used before and I think it came out fairly keen. I think what I'll probably do is create some more designs and make it skinable, like The Mighty Geek, wherefrom I ripped the code to do so.

For example, I couldn't decide if I should make that title bar Orange, or Gray. What do you think? The gray is less frivolous, perhaps, but the orange is maybe too eye-catching; distracting. Obviously this is pathetic example of dynamic stylesheet switching, just changing the title bar color, but it took me so long to finish the first design I didn't have a whole lot of energy for the second. Maybe next weekend.

Oh, I'm also interested in someone checking out the archives page on Mac IE 5. On Liz's computer, that page seems to crash the browser, but I can't understand why. If it does the same thing on other Macs, I'll have to look into it.


Previous Comments

Using IE 5.2.1 here, on a Mac running OS X 10.1.5, and I can't get into the archives either.

Like the redesign, tho.

looking cool! the slapnose.com home link in the flip down nav is broken. The archives page seems to come up OK for me on Mac OS X IE 5.1.4. The style-switcher javascript only seems to work if i click it and then reload the page. And mozilla 1.0 for mac doesn't seem to be coming up with a style sheet at all. that could be my setup though.

I like orange. I got my mozilla stuck up my nose. Sigh. I miss you, Anth.