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June 1, 2004
Ashcroft on the Outs

Time is reporting sources who say, "Ashcroft will not be the A.G. by Christmas if Bush wins."

Is it just me, or is it a bit unsettling when the entire cabinet is "falling out of favor" one by one? We haven't seen Condi since her testimony before the 9/11 Commission, half the Congress wants Rumsfeld to resign, Powell is "tired" and rarely seen except when apologizing for contradicting Bush, Cheney is running around the country making shit up about Kerry, and now Ashcroft. Am I forgetting anyone?

Sure, I'm leaving out all the others nobody ever heard from to begin with, but who cares about them. It seems to me that as Bush's numbers continue to fall, the strategy may be to stick with the president and his personality, which many people insanely seem to find charming, but distance him from all these other wackos.

I sure hope it doesn't work. Surely it is a reflection on the president himself if his hand-picked cabinet -- the prime architects of the war in Iraq -- is completely falling apart. Surely the American public is smart enough to realize that we can't reelect the guy on a platform of, "Hey, give me another chance! I'm a nice guy!"



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