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June 4, 2004
Big News

Sorry for the dearth of postings lately, but big brewings is afoot around the Slapnose offices, and I'm not just talking about our metaphor mixing or sudden change in narrative style.

What am I talking about? I'm talking about a job.

That's right, I am now almost officially gainfully employed! You are looking at the website of the new Webmaster/Graphics Administrator for The Stranger, Seattle's most hippest alternative newsweekly.

So starting Monday, I will be getting up some time before 9 a.m. everyday and going to work until 5 p.m. I'll probably have to start going to bed at a reasonable hour most of the time and I'll have to find my pants.

Oh my. What have I done?

This change in my life will certainly have an effect on Slapnose, but I'm going to try my best to keep things going here. Postings may not be quite as frequent, or they may just be a bunch of them in the evenings, but I'm going to try.

That is all. When next you see me, I'll have benefits.


Previous Comments

Congrats. Welcome to the world of gainful employment. Let's go get you fitted for the leg irons.

whew! i was worried you took that job offer at the National Review.