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July 10, 2004
News Summary

Before I go to bed, a quick summary of the day's news:

The Senate Intelligence Committee today issued a 511 page report detailing how nearly every bit of intelligence the CIA provided to policy makers in the months leading up to the war in Iraq was bullshit. Not only was it bullshit, they concluded, but it was really, seriously bullshit.

President Bush responded to this shocking proof of an historically massive failure of our inteliigence system by saying that Saddam was a threat, and that he would "do it again." His party and campaign staff, meanwhile, expressed their outrage that John Kerry had appeared on stage with several celebreties who don't like George Bush, one of whom used -- gasp! -- "sexual innuendo." A Bush campaign adviser who wished to remain anonymous wondered, "Won't someone please think of the children?"

Okay, I made that last quote up. The rest is true, though.

As for the media.. Well, bless their hearts, they're going with the celebrity sex jokes story.


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