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February 26, 2005
Last Word on HST

Hunter S. Thompson's wife recounts the day he died in a very touching story from the Rocky Mountain News.

When I heard he killed himself, it never occurred to me that it was an act of desperation or sadness. I immediately assumed it was an act of will, that he had ended his life as he lived it, on his own terms and his own schedule. Those closest to him confirm that.

Anita Thompson also echoes the comments that have been made by Hunter Thompson's son and daughter-in-law: That her husband's suicide did not come from the bottom of the well, but was a gesture of strength and ultimate control made as his life was at a high-water mark.

"This is a triumph of his, not a desperate, tragic failure," Anita Thompson said by phone, recounting that she was sitting in her husband's chair he called his catbird seat in the Rockies.

She added: "He lived a beautiful life and he lived it on his own terms, all the way from the very beginning to the very end."

Rocky Mountain News


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