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May 22, 2005
Bush: Kill Some of 'Em

On Friday, President Bush announced that he would veto any legislation that would allow further research into embryonic stem cells.

I've made it very clear to the Congress that the use of federal money, taxpayers' money, to promote science which destroys life in order to save life - I'm against that. And therefore if the bill does that, I will veto it.

Seems like he's standing on principle here, huh? He considers a bundle of cells that would otherwise be discarded to be a human life, and he feels that destroying such a life in order to save other lives is wrong. I might not agree, but it sounds like this is a principled stand.

But then again...

I have been supportive of the death penalty, both as governor and President. … And I happen to believe that the death penalty, when properly applied, saves lives of others.

Address to American Society of Newspaper Editors Convention, April 14, 2005

Whoa! That's weird. Executing criminals saves the lives of others, so it's okay. Researching on stem cells destroys the stem cells - again, they would be discarded anyway - so it's not okay.

This despite the fact that countless studies show that the death penalty has no more deterrent effect than other forms of punishment and stem cell research has the real potential to save millions of lives.

Educate yourself on stem cells with the National Institutes of Health's thorough primer.

Quick, before they're forced to take it down.

Via Think Progress.


Previous Comments

"Quick, before they're forced to take it down."

No kidding. These fascists are now seeking to cut all public media they deem too "partisan". In other words, if the media doesn't follow administration policy, it's too "partisan". All dissent in opinion, even fair criticism to counterbalance rightist media, is too "partisan"?
