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May 23, 2005
Frist's Bald-Faced Lies
"The moment draws closer when all 100 senators must decide a basic question of principle - whether to restore the precedent of a fair up-or-down vote for judicial nominees on this floor or to enshrine a new tyranny of the minority into the Senate rules forever," Dr. Frist said

New York Times

This motherfucker personally filibustered one of President Clinton's judicial nominees. But now that the Republicans control everything, it's a "new tyranny."

Son of a bitch.

They keep going on and on about how the filibustering of judges is "unconstitutional" but they can't say how. Nor can they explain how the tactic was constitutional when they used it.

Liars, cheats, evil, power-grabbing monkeys. My only solace is that this one is so going to bite them in the ass. It might not be until 2008, or possibly even later, but they're going to live to regret this unbelievable assault on our country's principles.

Another example of the level-headed rhetoric coming from the Right...

"The other side has no other way to advance its ultraliberal agenda," said Senator Jim Bunning, Republican of Kentucky. "They cannot pass their laws through this Congress or through state legislatures. They cannot even get elected by running on these issues. So they must turn to the courts, the last holdout of active liberal power."


Ugh. Intelligent conservatives? Hello? Where the hell are you? Does no-one in your party have the balls to stand up to these lunatics? You know damn well they're fucking things up for everyone. Your silence is even more shameful than their ranting.


Previous Comments

I call them Rethuglicans now.