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November 3, 2005
Michael Brown Email Horrow Show

As if the entire country needed another reason to believe that ex-FEMA head Michael Brown is a human being several orders of magnitude lower than, say, someone who puts grated shit on your pastry.

Well, we might not have needed one, but we got one.

A Louisiana congressman has released a bunch of emails from and to Brown during the height of the Katrina crisis. (PDF of emails)

Here's one from one of the only FEMA employees on the ground in New Orleans on Aug. 31.

Pretty stark. "Situation past critical," "dying within hours," "out of food and water." Scary stuff.

Brown's response, in its entirety...

My favorite, though, has to be this email from his press secretary...

"Please roll up the sleeves of your shirt, all shirts. Even the president rolled his sleeves to just below the elbow. In this [crisis] and on TV you just need to look more hard-working."

There's more. It gets worse.


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