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December 14, 2001
It's not quite midnight yet.

It's not quite midnight yet. I'm really going to try to get to bed before 1. I'm trying to be realistic here, if I say I'll be in bed by 12, I'm just setting myself up for disappointment.

Got a note from my ISP yesterday informing me that my IP address has changed. So I had to update the DNS entry for slapnose.com, meaning it may not be available for a time until the change propogates. I guess it shouldn't take very long. I can only hope that my legions of dedicated readers can hang on for a few hours. Of course, this is ridiculous since I'm writing this on my site, so if it's read, it's up. I always worry a little when I have to change networking settings on my router, because I don't really know what I'm doing. Seems to have worked.

Lately I'm finding this kind of technical talk really boring. I was thinking today about how I was going to add some JavaScript to my framed pages so that they'll check if they're inside a framset and redirect if they're not. This is a huge problem, because sometimes old poofy froofys come up in my search results, and get broken out of the frameset, stranding the page. Hangin' it out to dry, all unlinked and naked. But the sad part isn't the poor little orphaned page, it's that I've spent 5 minutes writing about it.

I didn't get around to that tonight, and I'm sincerely hoping that I won't. One little thing like that and before you know it it's 3:30 in the morning. I did do this tonight, though. First stab at the NimprovYC intro movie. I want to start working on that site, it won't be hard at all, and it would be cool to have a site out there that I built for someone else.

I'm trying to be better about linking my posts. I often just get lazy or forget to go back and link up some of the relevant stuff. It's easy to get carried away with that though, and just start linking all kinds of random crap.


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