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January 31, 2004
An Open Letter

Dear Anti Gay Marriage People,

How are you? Don't answer that.

So how about this gay marriage thing? What's up with you guys on this one? Can't you for one second just leave people alone in their private lives? Obviously you've read that one somewhat vague passage in the bible, something about "an abomination," but have you read the rest of it? I'm no expert, but isn't there some stuff in there about charity and love thy neighbor and stuff like that? Wasn't this country founded by your ancestors, who liked that book too, and were persecuted for it? I think it was something like that.

I kind of don't get it. It seems like the whole world is going in one direction, and you're determined not to come. They say, "let people love who they want," you say, "I hate you." Didn't you pull this shit with slavery? Wasn't slavery pretty well abolished in the civilized world long before we did anything about it here? We're so weird that way.

In Canada they have gay provincial cabinet ministers getting married. While in Florida, a Federal Appeals Court has upheld a law that bans gay couples from adopting children. Jeb Bush has declared himself "pleased" with the ruling, and his brother is planning to spend hundreds of millions of dollars -- mine and yours -- to "promote marriage," and I think we all know what kind of marriage he means. You know, regular marriage: lasts a few years, divorce, bitter disputes over kids and money, the foundation of our society, that kind of thing. I'm kidding, I'm kidding, I know you all have very stable and loving homes.

So while Canada is extending equal rights for everyone, even people in the highest levels of government like yourselves, we're eliminating an entire group of people from the pool of folks willing to raise otherwise unwanted children. Ahhhhhhh. Doesn't that feel nice? This is adoption, not some kind of hand out. As far as I know, there are a lot more kids out there who need it than there are people who will do it. Shouldn't we not leave those kids behind?

It must be that you guys, you "conservatives" or "right wingers" or "fucking bigoted assholes" or whatever you're calling yourselves these days, cannot conceive of what it's like to be discriminated against. For anything. For something you have no control over. Your race, your religion, your accent, your disability, your nationality, or yes, even your wish to share your dingaling with anyone you choose.

It doesn't matter whether you're talking about the right to marry or freedom from slavery. Even the right to live. It's all the same principle: You simply just cannot discriminate against people. It's wrong. Get it? Is "how would you like it if that was you?" such a difficult concept? Think about it.

When the stakes aren't as high as life and death, when the question is about legal marriage and not about slavery or death camps, it naturally doesn't get as much attention. It's easier to convince someone that the gay couple down the street don't deserve to be able to visit each other in the hospital than it is to convince them that we should just kill the fags and be done with it, but it's really the same thing. A group of people are being denied by the state something that other people enjoy simply because they are who they are.

You don't have to like gay people getting married, and you don't have to become gay and get married. All you have to do is sit there, shut up, and take it. I don't like you, but I still think you can get married if you want. I am frankly disgusted by many of your views; you and your ilk literally make me sick to my stomach at least once a week, but I still say you can get married if you want.

Really. You have my blessing.



Previous Comments

Since we have proven over time that we always need someone to hate, my plan is to try to make up some group and get everyone to hate them. Say, the yerkels. Fuck the yerkles! There, doesn't that feel better. Gay marriage isn't the issue. It's yerkels taking our jobs, our women and soon our country. Save us from the yerkels!