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June 14, 2004
More Disgruntled America Haters To Issue Statement Against Bush

From the L.A. Times:

WASHINGTON -- A group of 26 former senior diplomats and military officials, several appointed to key positions by Republican Presidents Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush, plans to issue a joint statement this week arguing that President George W. Bush has damaged America's national security and should be defeated in November.

The group, which calls itself Diplomats and Military Commanders for Change, will explicitly condemn Bush's foreign policy, according to several of those who signed the document.

Also Reuters, Pandagon and Talk Left, among others.

This is pretty amazing. It sounds like this is going to be a hard group for wingnuts to lump together as having some kind of personal grudge against the adminstration, as is their tendency. Is there any precedence for this kind of thing?

Those signing the document, which will be released in Washington on Wednesday, include 20 former U.S. ambassadors, appointed by presidents of both parties, to countries including Israel, the former Soviet Union and Saudi Arabia.

Others are senior State Department officials from the Carter, Reagan and Clinton administrations and former military leaders, including retired Marine Gen. Joseph P. Hoar, the former commander of U.S. forces in the Middle East under President Bush's father. Hoar is a prominent critic of the war in Iraq.

The official reaction so far is nothing, but Cliff May had this to say:

A Bush administration ally said that the group failed to recognize how the Sept. 11 attacks required significant changes in American foreign policy. "There's no question those who were responsible for policies pre-9/11 are denying what seems as the obvious -- that those policies were inadequate," said Cliff May, president of the conservative advocacy group Foundation for the Defense of Democracies.

"This seems like a statement from 9/10 people [who don't see] the importance of 9/11 and the way that should have changed our thinking."

That's a very clever little slogan, Cliff, the whole 9/10 - 9/11 thing, but it doesn't change the fact that you're a douchebag.

The pre-9/11 policies were inadequate... why? Because they failed to stop one attack which cost 3000 lives? Obviously that was a major mistake and a huge tragedy, but did it warrant a shift so radical in American foreign policy that we are now widely considered to be in more danger than ever? Let's be realistic: terrorist attacks will happen. They've happened all over the world for decades, but we're the only country that decided that the one and only major attack on our soil justified turning a century of relative progress on its head.


Previous Comments

When I read this on Yahoo Newsm that article said, this is not likely to have any impact since those who signed are not significant.