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September 28, 2004
Daily Show Viewers Smart, Possibly Stoned

When Jon Stewart appeared on Bill O'Reilly's show a little while back, O'Reilly referred to Daily Show viewers as "stoned slackers" and expressed his horror that they are allowed to vote. As a regular watcher of the Daily Show, and someone who has been known to both stone and slack, I'm kinda offended. Naa, I'm not. Who cares.

Comedy Central cares, apparently, because they did some research and found that Daily Show viewers are more likely to have college degrees and to answer factual questions about politics correctly than are O'Reilly's viewers. Stunner.

I would like to point out that having a college degree does in no way inhibit ones ability to stone or slack. In fact it may enhance it. More study on this is needed.

As for O'Reilly, he was profiled by Mike Wallace on 60 Minutes the other night and he is, in my opinion, one of the most megalomaniacal people on earth. He has a persecution complex nearly as big as his ego, which is nearly as big as his head. He contradicted himself so many times it was really laughable. And then he thinks because he's pro-environment and gun control that he's not a right-wing nut. He may be a lesser nut than some others, but he's still a nut.


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