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October 16, 2004
Comments Are Back

I've fixed the comments on Slapnose -- I think -- so now you three can just go nuts.

Details for the interested: The whole Typekey/authentication thing just didn't seem to be working and I was damn sick of it, but I didn't have any motivation to mess with my Moveable Type installation, as whenever I do that, bad things happen.

But I was getting lonely.

So I turned off the authentication, opening the comments gates wide, thinking I could just manually deal with the inevitable comment spam. No, no, no. Within an hour or so I had been hit with at least 20 spam comments and they showed no signs of letting up. I'm not about to copy and paste the IP address of each commenter into the IP banning thing, so something had to be done.

I installed MT-Blacklist. Yay! It's great, it's working, it blocked 16 comments in the first half hour.

That's it. Comment away.


Previous Comments

Dude way to go --- Comment comment comment -- WOW that feels good - saw yr buds tonite (Luke & Jeanhee) and the NY Yanks clobbered the Sox ... now if only kerry could crush the RNC ---