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March 21, 2005
Bush All Wet On Presumption of Life

When George Bush signed S. 686 into law this morning, throwing jurisdiction in the Schiavo case to the federal courts, he had this to say..

"In cases like this one our society, our laws and our courts should have a presumption in favour of life. This presumption is especially critical for those like Terri Schiavo who live at the mercy of others."


In 1999, then Texas Governor Bush signed into law the Texas futile care law, which allows doctors, with the support of a hospital ethics committee, to overrule the wishes of family members and end remove life-support measure from patients if they determine that further care is futile. The hospitals are required only to give the family 10 days notice so that they can shop around for another facility that will agree to continue care.

This law was enforced last week, as Wanda Hudson watched her 5-month-old son die after a judge ordered his life-support be removed against his mother's wishes.

As far as anyone knows, no one from the federal government attempted to intervene.

In other news, the bounds of George W. Bush's hypocrisy have yet to be discovered, with some experts claiming they may be beyond the limits of our imaginations.


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