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April 17, 2005
American Jihad

An ad for the event in which the Senate majority leader will particpating next weekend.

frc ad

Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't we ask all witnesses in trials to swear to tell the truth with their hand on the BIBLE and "so help them god"?

Make no mistake, these people fully intent to remake this country as a Christian - a fundamentalist Christian - state.

They must be stopped.

Via Daily Kos.


Previous Comments

Hmmm... However about this: same poster, brown-er dude, holding up a Koran, change "christ" to "Allah..." How many people do you think will be freaked out by that?

These people need to be stopped.

Hmmm... people don't have to swear on a bible to be a witness. You can "affirm that you will tell the truth. You once sent me a link to a site that talked about falacies. Don't you think you are traveling down the "slippery slope"?
They don'y need to be stopped, we all need to be a little better informed.

Bullshit, Mike. Yes, you can affirm instead of swear, by special request. This does not weaken my point. And if there is a slippery slope here, we're already nearing the bottom.

And yes, they do need to be stopped. This kind of crap is perfectly contrary to being "a little better informed." This group is spreading misinformation and ignorance and doing it with the support of the most powerful people in government.