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May 2, 2005
Zell Miller Is Nuts

zell miller

Okay, I know that's not a big news flash, but wow. He was on The Daily Show tonight (catch a rerun if you can, or watch here for when they post it online), acting civilized, but making very little sense as usual. He has a new book, called A Deficit of Decency in which he apparently argues that one of the biggest dangers facing our country right now is "gangster rap." And steroids in baseball.

"I don't think when our Founding Fathers came along that they expected freedom of speech to mean that you could have this gangster rap going in kids' ears... I mean, Oliver Wendell Holmes ... he said that freedom of speech does not mean that you can shout fire in a crowded theater. Well I'm not so sure freedom of speech means that you can shout filth in my grandkids' ears."

- Zell Miller

Right. It's clear to any student of American history that the intent of the First Amendment is to promote decency. When they wrote, "shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech," what they really meant to say was, "At such a time as each generation gets old enough to not care for the music of their descendants, that music shall then be declared unconstitutional and be forever banned. This is the true meaning of freedom."

Yeah, and another thing, Senator Stupid - Yelling fire in a theater isn't protected speech because it puts people in direct physical danger. Gangster rap is music you don't like. If Oliver Wendell Holmes were alive, he would surely challenge you to a duel for that crap.

Jon Stewart, god bless him, pointed out to the Senator that the so called "good old days" included such "decencies" as segregation and baseball players who were brawling alcoholics. He also made the point that some may say that making it harder for the sick to get bankruptcy protection in order to enrich credit card companies is the real indecency, among many others that Miller doesn't seem all that exercised over.

The foreword to Miller's book was written by the patron saint of decency himself, Sean Hannity.


Previous Comments

I caught the "gangster rap" reference, too, and com 'on, honestly, we all know what he's talking about.

Also, baseball: now and the "good old days!?!" Com 'on, honestly, we all know what he's talking about.

Let's cut the crap: the man is racist, okay! So shameful to still see "(D)" follows his name, damn it!

Zell also said that steroids is cheating, which makes it different from the "good ol' days" when say, throwing a world series, wasn't considered cheating. (Black Sox .. anyone?)

Yeah, I was waiting for Stewart to throw out the Black Sox scandal, but there were so many things wrong with what Zell was spewing, I'm sure he just couldn't fit it all in.