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December 03, 2005
Al-Qaeda #3 Dead

An unmanned but heavily armed CIA drone blew up Hamza Rabia, the No. 3 man in the al-Qaeda terrorist network.


Mostly, this is good news. This guy was no-doubt a piece of shit. However, it points out two things...

First, if we were properly focused on actually going after the leadership of al-Qaeda, we could probably get most of them, including Osama, and with a minimum of bloodshed. We have freaking laser-guided-missile-toting unmanned airplane drones, for crying out loud. That's some serious shit. Instead, we've wasted years and thousands of lives dicking around in Iraq, boosting al-Qaeda's membership and accomplishing just about nothing or real or lasting value.

Second, look at the kid I circled in the picture up there. That look in his eyes, THAT's the real problem. That's what we should be afraid of. We're going about this wrong, we're making enemies faster than we can laser-guide bombs into their houses, and it's not going to end until we have a more intelligent policy. That kid is going to grow up, and he's going to hate us. Look at him. He already hates us.


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