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September 14, 2001
Another memory. Tuesday afternoon, the

Another memory.

Tuesday afternoon, the only person I hadn't heard from was Kevin. We started to get a little worried, I wasn't sure where the NYU law classes were. So I called him, got voicemail of course. I left a message, and as I hung up I got a horrible chill. The thought that it was possible that I had left a message for a dead man. I know it's morbid, but it crossed my mind, and I had never had that feeling before. Not that I can remember.

Later, I got a message from Cass. Dave hadn't been able to reach any of us and was worried. She managed to get my voicemail and I heard the same anxiety in her voice. It was enough to bring tears to my eyes. I could hear her fear, and Dave's fear through hers.

Quintessentially New York concept for rebuilding.. here


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