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December 3, 2001
Sunday turned out much better

Sunday turned out much better than it started. Isn't that nice, when it feels like it's gonna be one of those Sundays, with that particular Sunday character, and it turns out better? Seems to be the exception, rather than the rule, but that's what makes it nice. Nobody likes rules.

Had a nice brunch with Liz and Kris, then went to see Amélié. That's what made the day. What a wonderful film. I haven't seen a movie that made me feel taht good in a long time, ranks up there with Harold & Maude and It's a Wonderful Life for uplifting power. It made me want to make something more of my life, be an artist, or at least live more artistically. I've done this before, from time to time, and it always made me feel great. I've had periods in my life when creation was happening all the time, and if I haven't often actually realized the real ecstatic moments of pure art, I've seen them in front of me. Combine this with some songwriting and getting better at playing the guitar than I've ever been, and I'm feeling art creep back into my life. Sometimes a movie like this comes along at exactly the right time. Sunday afternoon.

AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! Son of a bitch. I just lost a big damn chunk of writing. This only happens when I'm writing something I really like too, and then I got a phone call, and now I can't remember what it was at all. Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit. I'll never get it back. Let me assure you, though, it was brilliant.

You'd think this would teach me (again) to write in Word and then past it into Blogger. But no. Okay, damn it, this time. Argh. This really makes me sad.

I won't even try to write about what I was before, I'll just move on. Luke has been working on some lyrics for our song, and it's coming together pretty nicely! Tentatively titled "Show Me" you can find an mp3 of Luke doing the first verse here. Here are the lyrics and chords. There's another song in the works for this weekend about the tribe, I want to get some more work done on that tonight. Stay tuned.


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