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April 3, 2002
Hi there. How ya doin'...

Hi there. How ya doin'...

My knee hurts. Yesterday before work, Liz and I went rollerblading in the park. On the way up 13th Street, I was doing some kind of lame ass disco roller move, and I tripped over my own brake and fell. I think I forgot that I was on pavement. My sport of choice lately has been snowboarding, and though it's certainly possible to seriously injure myself doing that, most falls are no big deal. Pavement and shorts are a different story. So I skinned the hell out of my knee, and two days later it's still all wet and oozy. It hurts to bend it, and when I have pants on, which is often, it rubs against them and hurts. Here's a picture.


Kind of looks like Australia.

Speaking of Australia, I've been checking out the traffic for my site lately (some would say obsessively, I would merely say curiously) and I've had visitors from every continent except Central America. I know it's not technically a continent, but they way the stats thingie counts them it is, and they don't mention Antarctica at all. I figure it's a fair trade, where Internet users are concerned. Not too many web surfers in Antarctica, I would imagine. So, I'm waiting for that one Nicaraguan to come through for me. If you're out there, hit me baby.

Speaking of Nicaragua, we just got back from Arizona. Pictures to come soon.

Speaking of pictures, I'm redesigning my photo album. The look had been irritating me for some time, so I'm giving it a more up-to-date, contemporary feel. Like a big fat bagel.

Speaking of... okay, I'm going to stop that.

The big Oxygen Birthday party is tomorrow night; celebrities, rock stars, millionaires, and a bunch of geeky computer nerds. Should be very interesting, though I wouldn't be surprised if it's really dull. But I've never been to something quite like this, so I'm curious. I'm supposed to dress "party festive". If anyone knows what the hell that means, please let me know.

Luke is inspiring me to think about putting together a home studio to do some recording. I should probably write some songs first, but I'll probably do it the way I usually approach these things: buy all the gadgets, play with them for a little while, then lose interest and/or realize that it will require actual effort to really get anything done and move on to another expensive hobby.

Really, this time it'll be different.

It's been suggested that I provide a tool that alerts people, via email, whenever there's a new coredump post to read. Personally, I think if these people really cared they could just check the site every day or two, but it's not a bad idea nonetheless. To do this I'd have to have a mailserver, a project I've been considering for some time. So maybe I will. Isn't it all so wonderful, to be sure?


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