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April 24, 2002
Quick post. It's late and

Quick post. It's late and I gotta get me some sleep.

Saw NimprovYC's second big-time show tonight. They improvised a Shakespeare play for the first act, and the second was a bit more normal. The whole thing was great, Dave was particularly brilliant, as usual. Lots of fun. I managed to get in on the act a tiny bit, by reprising my role as human earmuff, and steering the story of the second act by calling Dave on his cell phone. (They had requested this, I'm not quite so bold as to do it unasked.) It's a great time, and I'm sorry that Dave is probably leaving town. It seems like this thing was just starting to take off.

In other news, Liz bought this on Saturday. Woo Hoo!!! I'm excited to have a car around to use and play with. First step, of course, is the stereo. She needs a name too, we're going to wait for one to come naturally.

I'm migrating all of our volleyball mailing lists to the slapnose.com mail server. Very cool. My new project is to make a web interface for these lists. Yay, new project.

That's it. Bedtime.


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