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November 19, 2004
A Message From John Kerry

john kerry

John Kerry is talking tough, which I like. He's not talking about cooperation and "reaching across the aisle," he's talking about fighting back.

Despite the words of cooperation and moderate sounding promises, this administration is planning a right wing assault on values and ideals we hold most deeply. Healthy debate and diverse opinion are being eliminated from the State Department and CIA, and the cabinet is being remade to rubber stamp policies that will undermine Social Security, balloon the deficit, avoid real reforms in health care and education, weaken homeland security, and walk away from critical allies around the world.

Video of this message here.

Good boy, John.

He is also promising to introduce a bill to provide health care for "every child in America" and instead of cosponsoring the bill with other Senators, he is inviting the public to sign a petition and to sponsor the bill with him. Gimmicky? Sure. Maybe just gimmicky enough to work. If he presents this bill with the signatures of millions and millions of regular Americans, it could be pretty powerful.

Sign up to cosponsor the Protect Every Child Bill.


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