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June 20, 2005
Cruise Squirted

For whatever reason, Tom Cruise's craziness is fascinating me lately. It might be because of a family, uhh, connection, to Scientology and my attendant exposure to that crazy shit.

I particularly loved the parenthetical remark in this story about Cruise's engagement to Katie Holmes.

Cruise is 16 years older than Holmes and is a devoted follower of the Church of Scientology. (Holmes has said she's embracing the religion.)

AP via NY Times

She's been exposed to this "religion" for all of maybe about 6 weeks, and she's already decided that she'll "embrace" it.

"After hearing about this whole alien conspiracy theory for the past couple weeks, I'm convinced. My entire world-view is now based on the writings of this science fiction writer. I believe my body is inhabited by millions of aliens."

Was that the process? Way to show some discriminating thought there, Holmes.

Anyway, the other day some prankster squirted Tom Cruise with a water gun at the premier of War of the Worlds in London. Here's the video.

Pretty funny. Cruise is sort of restrained, in that, if there weren't cameras around here I would go completely insane kind of way. Look at how he's gripping the guy's hand on the railing.

"Why would you do that?...Why would you do that?...What's so funny about that?" asks the flabbergasted actor while wiping himself off with a blue towel handed to him by an assistant.


"Do you like making less of people, is that it?" Cruise asks as he grips the perpetrator by both hands.

E! Online News

Okay, for one, it's funny for the same reason squirting people with water guns has always been funny. Because they get wet.

It's also funny because you have an assistant to hand you a towel. Actually, the assistant smushes the towel right into his face for him. That's really funny.

And yes, some people like making less of people like you. It may be because far too much has been made of you in most other ways. I'd say it's a sort of mental disorder, but that may bestow some sort of legitimacy on the field of psychiatry. It's not the prankster's fault, he's probably filled to bursting with tiny aliens controlling his mind. Pity the poor fellow, don't judge him.

The truly lame part is that they're charging this guy with "assault" and Cruise is pushing hard to follow through completely with it. The police spokesperson said, "It was just water, but that can be very alarming..."

Yeah, well if alarming people is assault, then I'm thinking of pressing charges against Cruise for that Oprah appearance. That shit alarmed the hell out of me.


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