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September 23, 2005
O'Reilly vs. Donahue

By popular (okay, singular) demand, I'm bumping Monday's post down with this entertaining video of Bill O'Reilly having a meltdown while interviewing Phil Donahue.

Lots of pointing and yelling. "Don't you denigrate his service!"

O'Reilly is truly a prince among assholes.

donahue oreilly

See the video at Crooks and Liars.

Or, if you're a nerd and want to be bandwidth-nice, here's a bittorrent.


Previous Comments

I enjoyed watching this, but I have to admit that, more than anything else, it left me with the impression that these two men are in the entertainment business. Sure, Phil's positions resonate much more strongly with me than Bill's, but really - these guys are playing the exact same game. I don't like Bill in part because of what he says and in part because of how he says it - so it offers me only a little comfort to see someone out-O'Reilly O'Reilly. Similarly, I don't want to see the Democrats abuse power in the same way that Republicans do. In other words, it's not just the positions that upset me - it's also the tactics. I'd be slightly more comforted by lying, stealing Democrats in power ('cuz they'd be lying and stealing for causes that I tend to agree with), but what I'd most like to see is an effectively running democracy. To dream the impossible dream...