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September 20, 2001
Silliconvalley.com is keeping a blog

Silliconvalley.com is keeping a blog of sites related to the.. shit, what do you call this thing? The words I hear most often are "tragedy", "disaster", and "attack". I'm starting to feel like they're all so loaded. It was all of those things, but I think they're words that maybe take sides. Maybe not. It's tragic, a disaster of epic proportions, and certainly was an attack in many ways. I've been finding myself pausing though when I get to that part of a sentence lately, and almost saying "incident" or something equally noncommittal. Or just refering to the whole thing as "The World Trade Center". I should just choose one, or come up with my own. "The events of September 11". See, I'm sounding like I'm trying too hard not to take sides. Maybe that's it though, I'm quite confused about the whole thing, about the continuing developments in "America's New War", so called. Operation Some Damned Marketing Slogan.

I think tragedy covers it. There's no denying that.

So.. Siliconvalley.com is keeping an excellent blog of sites related to the tragedy. I highly recommend it.


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