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June 24, 2005
Run, Tonks, Run

So, I've been kind of quiet lately, except for the occasional lashing-out at Tom Cruise, which is bizarre even to me. I have a personal thing against Scientology that goes beyond my personal thing against most religions, I guess, so maybe that's it. Plus, it's funny. He's so crazy!

The main reason for my lack-of-blogitude, though, or at least the reason most worthy of respect, is that I've been training for a half-marathon which I'll be running tomorrow, shin splints be damned! (The less respect-worthy reasons are a) I was bored of politics, b) I was sickened by politics, and c) I was drunk.)

Anyway, the race is tomorrow, in Bend, Oregon (satellite view). Wish me luck. Although, as you can see from the photo below, I'm in peak physical condition and don't need no stinkin' luck.



Previous Comments

My eyes, MY EYES!!!!!

so horrible...

Is that Faith???


Hilarious picture.

Looks like a teen wolf Kiefer Sutherland.

Go Anthony! Do it for Wolverton High! The girls'll go batty over you, until officials regulate that werewolf powers are forbidden in the race. Damn refs, always have to ruin a good lycan streak.

Good luck, Tonks!

BTW, nice move shaving your legs. I hear that cuts down on drag.

that's funny! cuts down on drag! and i put my face on a woman's body! boo-ya! luke, the possibly inadvertent pun master!