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June 26, 2005
Ran, Tonks Ran

Thanks to everyone for your good wishes and encouragement. Much to my surprise, running 13.1 miles is kind of hard, particularly when one only decides to start training about 5 weeks before the race. One learns many lessons this way, none of them more valuable than the lessons one could learn by not doing things this way. And that's the real lesson. But how would I have ever learned it otherwise?

Anyway, I made it. It was actually a lot of fun, in a strange, masochistic sort of way, and I beat the time I was aiming for by over 8 minutes. Sweet. I believe I just barely made it into the top third overall, but official results haven't been posted yet.

Here's a real picture or real me, really running the real race. Yes, my legs are really that skinny.

tonks running

Wicked props to Heat Stroke, Wrinkles, and The Gecko, the best training/racing partners I've had in, like, a year. No, scratch that, ever. Couldn't have done it without you.

Now let's do some more.


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